Digital Inclusion Survey 2024 launched in Leicester and Leicestershire
The Leicester and Leicestershire Enterprise Partnership (LLEP) have launched a 2024 call for evidence linked to digital poverty.
The LLEP, Leicestershire County Council and Leicester City Council are aiming to develop a fuller understanding of current impacts of digital exclusion across Leicester and Leicestershire, and especially if there have been any changes in need post 2021 (following Covid, when LLEP area original digital poverty area research was first undertaken). Findings from the 2021 survey were used as an evidence base to commission local projects, and share findings and make links with national partners.
With ever increasing growth in the use of basic digital skills in daily life, accessing services, learning, and using technology in the workplace, it is crucial to understand what the current barriers to digital skills are.
Partners, stakeholders, and people from education, skills and business are encouraged to complete the short survey and feed in any evidence that they have on area digital exclusion challenges. Employers are also encouraged to complete the survey and feed in issues that they see.
The survey consists of six questions and can be accessed at www.consultations.leicester.gov.uk/sec/7aec0417/. The survey closes on 17 March 2024. If you have any questions about the survey, please email Anna Cyhan at Anna.Cyhan@llep.org.uk