Broadband Jargon Busting
Here you will find some useful definitions for frequently used terms relating to broadband.
Terms to know when buying a service
- ISP/Internet Service Provider
An Internet Service Provider (ISP) is any company that providers broadband services to homes and businesses. You can find out which Internet Service Providers can offer broadband to your property at Thinkbroadband.
- Mbps and Gbps
‘Megabits-per-second’ (Mbps) and ‘Gigabits-per-second’ (Gbps) are units of measurement referring to how fast data moves across a network, and therefore how fast your broadband download and upload speeds are. Gbps internet speeds are faster than Mbps, and a higher number means a faster speed.
- Download and upload speeds
‘Download’ speed refers to the rate that digital data is transferred from the internet to your computer, for example by streaming a film or downloading a file.
‘Upload’ speed refers to the rate that data is transferred from your computer to the internet, so for example by making video calls from your device, sending emails and uploading pictures to social media.
- Superfast broadband
‘Superfast broadband’ refers to broadband capable of download speeds between 30Mbps and 300Mbps. 30Mbps can allow you to use the internet as you could with 300Mbps, however if multiple devices are using the internet at the same time, this may lead to a slower service.
If you’re getting an average download speed of around 132 Mbps, you could download an entire film in just four minutes. This drops to three minutes if you have average download speeds of 264 Mbps.
- Ultrafast broadband
‘Ultrafast broadband’ refers to broadband capable of download speeds of greater than 300Mbps, and can often include speeds over 1Gpbs, meaning there is sometimes an overlap in the terms ‘Ultrafast’ and ‘Gigabit’ broadband. An ultrafast broadband connection means more people in a household can use the internet on multiple devices at the same time with little lagging.
- Gigabit broadband
‘Gigabit broadband’ refers to broadband capable of download speeds of at least 1Gbps, which is the same as 1,000Mbps. Gigabit speeds make it possible for you to download and upload files in seconds and stream media on multiple devices at once with no interruptions, and with 1Gbps you could download an entire film in just one minute.
Gigabit broadband, often delivered through full fibre, is the most future proofed technology at the moment but also is the most expensive on the market. If you need to keep your costs low, a cheaper broadband deal that offers slower speeds might make more sense for you.
- Full fibre broadband
‘Full Fibre broadband’ uses fibre optic cables to connect the exchange directly to your property (also known as FTTP or ‘Fibre-To-The-Premise’). It is currently the fastest and most reliable broadband technology. Full fibre connections are capable of download speeds of over 1 Gigabit per second (Gbps), meaning multiple people in a household can stream films, game online and join video calls all at the same time with no lagging.
- Connection charge
A connection charge is the charge or fee associated with installing or reconnecting the phone line(s) or cables for broadband at your premises.
Technical terms
- ADSL/Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line
An Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL) is a standard internet connection delivered over a copper phone line. It is possible to receive up to 24Mbps download over ADSL, however speeds could be variable due to the condition of the wires, distance from the cabinet, and any noise or interference on the telephone line.
- Ethernet
Ethernet is a technology used in a local area network (‘LAN’) to interconnect computers, carry voice or data services internally, and which can provide a dedicated connection to the internet.
- FTTC/Fibre To The Cabinet
Fibre-To-The-Cabinet (FTTC) is a fibre connection from the exchange to the local on-street cabinet, then a copper connection from the cabinet to end premise. This technology generally has a maximum download speed of up to 80Mbps (Superfast broadband speeds) however actual speeds can diminish with distance from the cabinet, and the network can be affected by poor weather.
- FTTP/Fibre To The Premise
Fibre-To-The-Premise (FTTP) is a 100% fibre connection all the way from the telephone exchange to the end premise. Generally, the distance to the premises does not affect the speed delivered and is less susceptible to faults and poor weather. This is also sometimes referred to as full fibre.
FTTP can achieve Ultrafast and Gigabit broadband speeds from around 300Mbps to potentially over 1Gbps (depending on the provider).
Broadband infrastructure project terms
- Building Digital UK
Building Digital UK (BDUK) is an Executive Agency sponsored by the Department of Science, Innovation & Technology (DSIT) responsible for Digital Infrastructure projects and programmes in the UK.
- Gigabit Broadband Voucher Scheme/GBVS
The Gigabit Broadband Voucher Scheme (GBVS) is a government scheme which offers residents and businesses in some of the hardest-to-reach areas in the UK additional funding towards the cost of gigabit-capable broadband to their premises. The scheme is accessible through broadband service providers that have registered to provide connections through the scheme.
- Gigahubs
Gigahubs are a government-funded initiative to provide gigabit-capable broadband to public sector buildings such as schools, libraries and GP surgeries. Gigahubs are part of ‘Project Gigabit’.
- Project Gigabit
Project Gigabit is the government’s £5 billion programme to bring gigabit-capable broadband to areas that are not included in broadband suppliers’ plans. Project Gigabit will deliver to mostly rural and remote communities in the UK but will also tackle pockets of poor connectivity in urban areas, and aims for near universal Gigabit-capable broadband coverage in the UK by 2030.
Other terms
UPRN stands for ‘Unique Premises Reference Number’. Every premise has a unique reference number allocated by the AddressBase Premium dataset supplied by Ordnance Survey, under license.
- Universal Service Obligation/USO
If you cannot get a download speed of 10Mbps and an upload speed of 1Mbps, you can request an upgraded connection.
More information on the USO, including eligibility criteria and costs, is available on Ofcom’s website page on the USO.
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