Brian Bruce, Great Easton

“I have now had BT Infinity 2 installed on the new Great Easton cabinet and I have had a download speed of 76mbps and an upload speed of 18 mbps. I was the second person in Great Easton to be migrated to the new cabinet. However I am the first in the new cabinet to have Infinity 2 installed. I am very pleased with the performance thus far although I have to give the line speed 15 days to settle in, the Open Reach engineer informed me.
I used to use broadband for both work and leisure, but I retired last year and so now use it more frequently for leisure. I find the internet to be invaluable even (or should I say especially) in my retirement. I recently invested in Pensioner Bonds for the over 65s online and use other online services like banking and shopping. I also use the internet for streaming the latest television programmes and films meaning that high-speed, for me, was a necessity. I heard about superfast broadband when trying to improve my previous 3kmbps speed. Openreach informed me that Great Easton would ‘not’ be upgraded to superfast broadband unless the Superfast Leicestershire broadband initiative subsidised the implementation.
The best thing about superfast broadband is that it opens customer up to the internet without the constant delays when browsing and buffering or when downloading or streaming. The superfast broadband initiative gives hope to rural areas that they too can benefit from the ever growing internet revolution. I found the Superfast Leicestershire broadband team and their web site to be extremely helpful in informing me how superfast broadband was progressing for Great Easton, from intention to introduce through to actual implementation.”