Sam McCaster, Lockington

Please explain what you use the internet for day to day use
Working from home, servicing a range of clients using cloud based applications and services. Email of course. Video meetings with clients. General browsing. Streaming and downloading video for entertainment. Keeping in touch with my family and more face to face time through video with my children and grandchildren is all now possible!
What was your internet was like before you upgraded to superfast and how did this affected you?
Before the FTTC service it was impossible to work from home and access to real time streaming was awful. Services like the iPlayer, Netflix and Apple TV just didn’t work. The previous service was ADSL, achieved download was about 1Mbps but not consistent and the upload would have been about 200kbps, not suited to a video call.
How did you hear that superfast fibre broadband was available in your area?
I have been badgering the County Council, the Superfast team and my MP for about two years!
Was it an easy process to upgrade to fibre?
Simple! Couldn’t have been easier. We were already a BT customer, we use them for telephone, broadband and mobile so just selected the upgrade option on their web site and everything happened from there. Logistics were perfect, as stated. Plugging in the new router and termination was simple. Everything just worked.
Now that you’ve upgraded what are the benefits which you are experiencing?
Obviously everything is now realtime, < 60Mbps download! Upload enables real time interactive video with family and clients. Streaming video for entertainment is crystal clear. Everyone should have this!
How is faster broadband improving your lifestyle?
The ability to work at home and flexibly is important to me as I support my wife who has a chronic health condition. I also get more time with our dog! I see more of my kids and grand kids and when they come over they use the internet in the way they are used to where they live.